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Althaea Holistic Health


Jessi Pedersen (they/them/theirs)  is a Licensed Massage Therapist in both the states of  Washington and Oregon. They currently reside in Spokane, WA and have lived in the area for the past three years.


They have experience working in a variety of different health care settings within the past 15 years including community organizing, Health Education, Life Skills, behavioral health,  state/county/private in-home care, advocacy and mutual aid.


Their certifications include Massage Therapy, Intraoral Massage, Cupping & Reflexology.


In addition to their work, they have also gained lived experience with continuing education in the queer and disability communities. With life-long and common struggles come unwavering passion to continue the fight to uphold health sovereignty, bodily autonomy and equity by working outside institutions of oppression as frequently as possible.

AMTA Professtional Member Logo
American Herbalists Guild Member Logo

"Massage has proven to be safe and effective for people from all walks of life. Testing different forms of therapy is essential in finding those that suit your specific needs and is an integral aspect of holistic healthcare.


Although Holistic Health has become a buzzword in the healthcare industry, it encompases the idea that there are a multitude of individual needs that must be met in order to maintain a solid base-level of health. It is highly inclusive which makes room for progress and imagination.


Many practitioners in holistic healthcare imagine a compasion-driven approach of community care that considers every person's needs in their entirety. This is the very same care that our community here in Spokane have made their life's purpose to provide for one another. 


It is my hope that with the resources listed here, and the offerings of our friends and neighbors, that you will find what you need to live a comfortable and meaningful life."


Jessi Pedersen (They/Them), LMT

Washington Massage License - #60540879

Oregon Massage License - #20139

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