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Althaea Massage


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Sakari Farms

Sakari Farms is a Native Owned (Inupiaq) tribal farm and educational business. They operate on intertribal lands that belong to their Indigenous Ancestors, they honor the opportunity to facilitate being the “Original Land Stewards” there on Turtle Island. The farm functions by growing regional traditional foods using ancestral tribal seed, native fruits, vegetables, herbs and specialty plant medicine.


Available Products

Cedar Oil

"Cedar oil can be used to treat a variety of skin ailments from acne to fungal lesions. It has a calming effect, assisting with sleep and insomnia. Strengthens hair, preventing hair loss and treats dandruff. Its analgesic properties help to relieve joint pain and is used for arthritis treatment."


Lavender Oil

"Calms the nerves, a well-known treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia. It is antiseptic for skin problems such as acne, scrapes and burns and helps heal sunburn. Makes a great massage oil for releasing muscular tension."


Piñon Pine Oil

"Assists with clearing colds, relieving sore muscles and healing minor skin wounds."


Rosehip Oil

"High in essential fatty acids, it hydrates and moisturizes the skin. Treats wrinkles and has anti-aging properties."


White Sage Oil

"Locally grown white sage."


Arnica Tincture

"Great for healing bumps and bruises incredibly quick."


Waterlilly Botanicals

They are a Holistic, Indigenous and Female owned business inspired by Nature and the wellness of Friends and Family. Their Mission is to work with the earth through universal energies and offer natural holistic solutions four mind, body and spirit.


Available Products

Sweet Calendula Body Butter

Almond oil, Olive oil, Shea Butter, Mango Butter, Calendula (Calendula officinalis), Lavender, (Lavendula angustifolia) Yarrow (Achilles millefolium), Plantain (Plantago lanceolata), Pomegranate Seed oil, Lavender essential oil, Marjoram Essential oil and Geranium essential oil.


Massage Oil

Custom blends COMING SOON!

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